Issue No3

Place as a theme came to me from a purely subjective experience of constantly being forced to change places, homes, flats, countries and languages – an experience that often defined me. With age each of these changes came a little harder and required a little more effort. That is precisely when I started to bracket “place” and think about it in itself – does ‘place’ have some- thing intrinsic to it ? Do I carry all the places within me or do I travel through them? A few years ago, when this magazine was founded, simultaneously an annual newspaper publication 365 was working on its first issue as well. I was asked to write an article about the process of creating work in the past year. Somehow writing an article made me think and write about the process of finding the right place for objects at home, which I kept re-arranging until something told me it was the right place for that particular thing… a subconscious attempt to discover a place of my own? a place that would be me? a place within me? so on and so on…. the little private search of the right place slowly grew into a larger context of ‘place’ in general. And here we go, 4 years and three issues later I have crystallized this process in one magazine edition that intends to question ‘place’ in all aspects: personal, political, private, physical, geographical, spiritual, abstract, linguistic, professional, special etc. This issue consists of three invited authors and selected 16 text out of 40 applications received for the open call we announced last year, making it the most diverse and international issue so far. The first three booklets of the magazine were designed by Anano Gogichadze, a third-year graphic design student at VAADS, supervised by Mariam Zaldas- tanishvili, which was a pure pleasure to work with and a great opportunity to take the magazine to the university sphere. The printing costs of the magazine were covered by Sarajishvili, Georgian Cognac company. And finally I want to thank three women, Nino Gogaladze, Makuna Epitashvili and Anano Makharadze, who always supported me and gave me hope. 

Mariam Megvinyte 

This issue of the magazine consist of 9 separate booklets, which have been curated and bounded by the editor, but we invite you to open up the bind and re-arrange the nine booklets to your aesthetics.